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Coronavirus: What to Know About Postponing Your Wedding Thumbnail

Coronavirus: What to Know About Postponing Your Wedding

Your big day was supposed to be soon, but never did you think a pandemic would get in the way. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. More than half of this year’s soon-to-be newlyweds are postponing their weddings until later this year or 2021.1 After hundreds of phone calls and months of planning, postponing your wedding can be a chaotic, stressful and emotional chore. However, if you take it one step at a time, your new date will be here before you know it. Here are some things you should keep in mind when it comes to postponing your wedding. 

1. There Are Other Options

Depending on your current situation and your willingness to adjust, you could have guests attend your nuptials virtually, via Zoom. While it’s not the most traditional setup, it is an option couples are utilizing during this unprecedented time. If you don’t want to let COVID-19 get in the way of the happiest day of your life, hosting a virtual wedding could be the way to go.

This could be an especially appealing option for couples who were looking to bring a more intimate feel to their ceremony anyway. It can be nerve-wracking to share your vows in front of 200 people, this alternative solution could just be a blessing in disguise.

2. Play it Safe by Postponing to 2021

If you want your wedding to be like the one you originally planned, consider postponing your wedding to 2021 - as opposed to simply pushing it back several months. Spring weddings tend to have a distinctly different vibe than fall or winter weddings. If your heart is set on a spring wedding, you don’t have to compromise. Wait until next year. Your wedding is one of the few things that you shouldn’t have to compromise with, so ask yourself what you really want and start re-planning from there. 

Another reason to consider postponing a full year is to account for the uncertainty of the entire situation. No one knows for sure when things will get better and everyone can resume normal activities. You don’t want to postpone your wedding to September only to have to postpone it once again. Waiting a year gives you both peace of mind and more time to re-plan. 

3. Some Vendors Will Be Flexible, Some Won’t

Everyone knows and understands the complexity of the situation, so many vendors and venues will likely be flexible. However, this depends on the vendors themselves and the contracts you’ve signed. In many cases, you can work with them to reschedule and/or get a refund, but in other cases, you might lose your money, and you will have to work to accommodate these losses into your financial budget.

The process may get messy, but don’t let that distract you. Make a spreadsheet to track your finances and manage your budget. The key is to approach your vendors wholeheartedly instead of with aggression. 

4. Remember It’s Okay Not to Be Okay

The most important thing is to accept what is happening and try not to panic. We know this is easier said than done, you’re likely feeling a myriad of emotions from sadness to frustration. These feelings are all valid, and you shouldn’t feel silly about being upset. Right now, it’s okay to not be okay. But take a deep breath, and tell yourself that it will all work out in the end. 

5. Know That Your Big Day Will Come 

It might seem like this will never end, but rest assured, this too will pass. Your big day will come, and soon you will be surrounded by all your friends and family to celebrate you and your significant other.

Postponing your wedding is a difficult decision and can be extremely disappointing. It’s important to not let your stress and frustration affect your life in the months to come. Perhaps exchange rings with your partner or do something that makes you both happy on your would-be wedding day. But most importantly, be optimistic, carry a positive attitude and remember that you’re not alone. 

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  1. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-04-01/should-i-cancel-my-wedding-how-coronavirus-disrupts-the-industry
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