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Acting in your best interest is the only way we know how to do business. That’s why we’re completely independent and operate as a fee-only fiduciary firm. We have no affiliations with any other firms that would create a conflict of interest. All of our compensation comes in the form of fees paid directly by our clients; we receive no compensation in the form of commissions, soft dollars or other third-party, indirect payments.

We are strong proponents of the Fiduciary Standard, which means we believe in always placing our clients' interests ahead of our own. We believe in doing what is right at all times. Our advice to you is totally based on what we believe is best for your individual situation, not what might gain us increased income in the form of commissions or other compensation.

On behalf of our clients, we are extremely proud to commit to the following five fiduciary principles:

  1.   We will always put our clients' best interest first.
  2.   We will act with prudence; that is, with skill, care, diligence, and good judgement of a  professional.
  3.   We will not mislead clients, and we will provide conspicuous, full and fair disclosure of all  important facts.
  4.   We will avoid conflicts of interest.
  5.   We will fully disclose and fairly manage, in our clients' favor, any unavoidable conflicts

As legislators, businesses, and the courts go about interpreting and implementing the long-awaited Department of Labor rule issued in April of 2016 which imposes a fiduciary standard on commission compensated financial advisors (.i.e., stock brokers and insurance agents) who handle retirement accounts, we accept these five fiduciary principles as a core standard of what it means to put our clients' interest first. 

When we enter into an advisory relationship with you, we will provide you with a signed copy of this Fiduciary Oath developed by the Committee for the Fiduciary Standard. If a financial advisor will not provide you with a signed copy of this Fiduciary Oath and commit to a fiduciary standard, you should not entrust your financial future to that individual or firm. They certainly will not be acting as a fiduciary on your behalf nor will they be serving your best long-term interests.